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Christmas 2020

December 17th, 2020

Category: General

Despite things looking different with COVID-19 restrictions still in place, it’s a time of year that many of us find ourselves drinking more than we usually do.

Over the festive period we will highlight the organisations and groups that can support you if you are affected by a loved one’s alcohol misuse and help see people safely and healthily through the Festive season and into 2021.


Many of us see Christmas as a joyful time to spend with our loved ones, but for some this can result in overwhelming feelings of loneliness. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has changes things more than we could have imagined and many of us are feeling more isolated than ever before.

One thing common to both loneliness and alcohol misuse is that they aren’t often spoken about. There remains a stigma associated with alcohol dependency, where too often people are reluctant to talk about their own or loved one’s drinking for fear of being negatively judged or excluded. Stigma is also a commonplace for loneliness.  Remember you are not alone.

Aberdeen Linking Lives, is a befriending service aimed at older people who find themselves requiring some extra friendship and support.

If you or someone you know is suffering from loneliness, please reach out to Aberdeen Linking Lives for support.

Visit Aberdeen Linking Lives’ Website


Drinking in Moderation

The run up to Christmas can sometimes feel like an endless drinking session with lots of temptations and excuses to crack open a bottle.

If you feel like you might overdo it and want to pace yourself over the Festive period, check out Drink Aware for top tips on how to stay safe this Christmas.

Visit Drink Aware’s Website


Mental Health

During the Christmas period it is common for your mental health to suffer and its easy to assume everyone else is having a great time. COVID-19 restrictions have made this time harder with reduced contact with friends and family. Taking care of your mental health is important.

We recommend contacting Mental Health Aberdeen, a local charity that offers counselling and information on mental health and wellbeing. It might feel overwhelming at first but contacting someone about your wellbeing is a brave first step towards feeling better.

Visit Mental Health Aberdeen’s Website



DRiNKLiNK is highlighting the topic of consent over the festive period. If you find yourself needing support or advise, Rape Crisis Grampian is a local charity who can help. RCG support survivors over 13 years old people who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.

Visit Rape Crisis Grampian’s Website


Food Bank

If you feel like you might need some support with providing food for your household this Christmas, contact Aberdeen North Foodbank. They give out nutritional and non-perishable food parcels for people in need and can adapt to your dietary requirements. The process is simple, but please remember to contact them first so they can fill out your referral note for your parcel.

Visit Aberdeen North Foodbank’s Website


Drink Driving

If you are driving to spend Christmas with your family or friends, or driving back from celebrations, please consider your alcohol consumption before you start driving. Drink driving can have a life threatening effect on you or people around you, and it is vital to opt out from driving if you have been drinking.

Find out more here 



Christmas is a tense time for many of us.  Despite the glowing depictions of family bliss beaming from our televisions, the festive period can trigger a number of hard-weathered problems.

For children of alcoholics, Christmas can be a treacherous time.  With alcohol more prevalent, the triggers for their parents to drink are everywhere.

Action for Children protects and supports children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support.

If you’re concerned about a child or young person affected by someone else’s drinking, please reach out to Action for Children now.

Visit Action for Children’s Website



As Christmas approaches, people often feel pressure to spend well beyond their means on gifts and food, and frequently end up in debt as a result.  The pressure is even more of a strain this year, giving the impact that COVID-19 has had on all of us.

Debt and excessive alcohol consumption can work together in a vicious cycle, whether it’s alcohol consumption leading to debt, or problems with debt leading to alcohol dependence.  Ditch Debt with Dignity is an Aberdeen based charity providing free, non-judgmental, confidential, professional advice and support to people who are privately struggling with their finances.

If you or someone you know is in a financial crisis and feel like they have nowhere to turn, please reach out today.

Visit Ditch Debt with Dignity’s Website


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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