The impact
Alcohol misuse has an impact on more than just the person drinking. Those with regular contact are likely to be negatively effected by the person’s condition.
Here are some ways that people can be impacted:
Financial Problems
Families and others that rely on a sufferer of alcoholism are likely to experience problems related to financial troubles caused by drinking habits.
The costs of alcohol increase as the alcoholic person builds tolerance to the drug in his or her system. This requires the person to take in ever-greater amounts of alcohol in order to feel the same effects.
The psychological effects of this alcohol tolerance and dependency may cause the sufferer to become withdrawn and less supportive of colleagues, friends and family members.
Sufferers may no longer attend social functions that do not allow drinking and may not be fully aware of their behaviour if attending functions where their drug of choice is allowed.
A lack of networking and communication with peers may cause further financial problems if the sufferer loses promotion opportunities.
Greater drains on income and lessened opportunities may cause undue troubles for others financially dependent on the sufferer, requiring a spouse or roommate to pick up extra hours or a second job to keep bills at a manageable level.
Relationship Problems
The constant agitation, drowsiness and confusion experienced by those suffering the effects of alcoholism are likely to cause problems for anyone in a relationship with the sufferer.
People who find themselves in a romantic relationship with an alcoholic may end up making excuses for their lack of attendance or improper conduct at social functions.
They may find their options for other social interaction limited, and this may further be compounded by financial troubles or other problems related to the incidence of alcoholism.
Alcoholics may have trouble relating to teetotallers or those who do not share their propensity for drinking to excess, and they may attempt to convince friends or loved ones to join them in drinking. This can lead to additional problems as others experience the challenges faced by having a sufferer in their personal relationships.
In a recent study, Living with and alcoholic partner, The researchers looked specifically at the problems faced and coping strategies used by wives of alcoholic clients. This is not isolated to gender, however gives you an indication of some of the challenges that spouses can face.
Family Problems
Families rely heavily on one another for support. This includes both financial and emotional support, which alcoholism can erode over time.
Children are likely to experience a number of problems related to the conduct or financial situation of their parents when alcoholism is involved. Children may experience neglect or physical and mental abuse as a parent loses awareness of their actions due to the effects of alcohol.
Children may also find problems with their own social development appearing due to an alcoholic parent becoming unwilling or unable to support the child’s endeavours. This can range from missed events, such as football games or birthday parties, to outright neglect.
You can find out more about life with an alcoholic here.