What are your dreams, goals and ambitions?
To make a valuable contribution to the local community. Alcohol can have such a huge impact on people’s lives. I am proud to be involved with this cause and to prepare the charity to scale up as we go from strength to strength.
What was your path to DRiNKLiNK?
I qualified as a chartered accountant in 2000 and really wanted to apply my skillset to give back to the community. I came across DRiNKLiNK from the volunteer Scotland website and really felt aligned with what the cause was trying to do. As a young charity, my role has been varied and largely focused on creating transparency and efficiencies in our financial structure for all stakeholders. I was keen to help, given the positive difference this charity makes to the people it is supporting.
What has been the highlight?
Getting DRiNKLiNK onto online banking. If I never see a cheque again I will be a happy woman – unless it’s coming in. To survive in today’s society, a charity must operate as a business. We need to have transparency and absolute security in our finances. As a board member, this is naturally incredibly important to me. Unfortunately, a lot of banking solutions available to charities are out dated and cumbersome. It means a lot to our investors and our suppliers to have a modern, robust financial infrastructure.
What are you most passionate about?
My family. Along with my husband and son, I live with a cat and two rodent-like creatures called Degus. The Degus originate from South America and are very active – they are constantly running on their exercise wheels – and also curious. We try to keep them happy and healthy with regular sand baths and treats like pumpkin seeds and lentils.
Where is your favourite place to live and visit?
I enjoy living in the North East of Scotland with its various landscapes, like beaches and woodland, but find it cold in the winter. In the future, I can imagine moving somewhere warmer during the winter months, perhaps somewhere like Lisbon. This is a city, which we have visited previously and enjoyed.