Do they have an addiction?
Someone you know may be misusing alcohol if:
- They regularly exceed the lower-risk daily limit for alcohol
- They’re sometimes unable to remember what happened the night before because of their drinking
- They fail to do what was expected of them as a result of their drinking – for example, missing an appointment or work because of being drunk or hungover.
Some signs of addiction
- Preoccupied – Depending on how long symptoms are showing, the persons life may revolves around the drug making them preoccupied
- Craving: The need to take the drug becomes more pressing and you may start to notice the shakes as a sign of withdrawal
- Secrecy: They may not be completely truthful about their drinking habits
- Social circle: You may notice changes in their social circle or in their free time activity
- Appearance: They may start to neglect their appearance and you may be able to smell alcohol regularly on their breath
- Dependence: They may appear uneasy at social events around alcohol
Some behaviour is mainly associated with alcohol addiction:
- Drinking in the mornings or waiting until lunch to seek a drink.
- Drinking on their own. Alcohol on their breath obvious before a social engagement.
- Memory blackouts occur and there is marked personality change with depression, anxiety isolation and loss of self-esteem.
Physical signs of alcohol misuse:
Alcohol makes you feel more relaxed in the short-term, but according to independent UK charity Drinkaware*, regular misuse can lead to a person becoming more stressed.
Some of the physical signs are:
- Sweating
- Shaking
- Loss of appetite
- Stomach problems
- Memory loss, blackouts
Alcohol slows down the brain and the processes of the central nervous system’s processes, which can affect your work performance badly, your concept of safety as well as your interactions with those you love.
Problems at work:
- Turning up late for work,
- Being unreliable,
- Arriving at meetings smelling of alcohol,
- Failing to turn up to business appointments,
- Drinking at lunch,
- Erratic performance,
- Risk taking.
For more information on alcohol misuse please check out the NHS website.
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