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What is Club Soda?


Club Soda is a Mindful Drinking Movement. They want to create a world where nobody has to feel out of place if they are not drinking alcohol, which means even if you don’t have the issue with alcohol, it gives you tips on how to create an environment that is alcohol free.


When you sign up to Club Soda, they will send you five eBooklets in your welcome email. They will help you take your own personal sober sprint, from planning, setting your goals and tracking your progress, to finding your distractions and rewards, and deciding where to go next. They are also free for you to download, keep, and read whenever you need them.


Set your goals and track your progress. Get Club Soda’s motivational emails and join their supportive online community. Club Soda is FREE to join. Read more about Club Soda.


You can also sign up to their e-mails only by clicking here (without joining the online community).


Related links:


This includes audio programmes, expert advice, pub guides amongst other things.


This includes a number of face-to-face workshops, online programmes as well as other mindful drinking techniques.


If you like Club Soda, don’t forget to check out our recommended by us section, where we look at books, audio, movies and other tools that will help you to escape your situation – even if only briefly.

Your alcohol intake may be assessed by your GP using tests, such as:

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

A widely used screening test that can help determine whether you need to change your drinking habits.

The Fast Alcohol Screening Test

A simpler test to check whether your drinking has reached dangerous levels.

The Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire

– this helps identify how severely dependent on alcohol you may be.

According to Institute of Alcohol Studies, alcohol is one of the main causes of house fires in Scotland. Please make sure to stay safe with this Home fire safety checklist that can be accessed here. It is very important to protect yourself and the people around you from accidents like this.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a serious issue that causes lifelong problems for children who’s mother has consumed alcohol during pregnancy. 17% of children in the UK are born with FASD. We want to share this booklet that assists parents in caring for children with FASD. Click here to access it.

We understand that you might be going through a very difficult time. Please find below support and help for managing with grief.

Booklet about understanding your grief

Living Through Grief

How to manage your grief

Bridging the Gap

Time with the Children

After someone dies – for young people

Women’s Aid has created an amazing package of information about domestic abuse and how to get help. They have answers to questions such as ‘Am I in an abusive relationship?’ and many more. Click here to access the handbook.

If you are in danger at home, please report it to the police as soon as possible. Click here or the picture to access the Scottish Police Online Reporting Form.

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